Who is Paul D. Tillman?
Mr. Paul D. Tillman is an author, lecturer and teacher who lives in Charlotte, North Carolina. He attended the Progressions Institute in Atlanta Georgia where he received his initial training in creative self-development. He has spent the past 30+ years in further study of the creative capabilities of humankind. This book is the result of his extensive research and the basis for his seminar and lectures.
Mr. Tillman holds a BA degree from San Jose State College and an MAT in history from Rutgers University and is currently persuing a Master of Fine Art in Creative Writing. His interests are eclectic and diverse. He holds an Airline Transport pilots license, open water scuba certificate and plays golf, tennis and fly fishes.
In response to the overall lack of accurate information regarding our birthright and the full range of capabilities our creator gave to each of us, I have developed a seminar, offered in conjunction with the book, entitled Creative Goal Achievement.
The seminar provides the attendees with the opportunity to learn, through guided practice, the concepts presented in the book. Also, attendees will have the chance to personally interact with fellow attendees and me as I present the steps necessary to incorporate the concepts into their daily life. If, after reading the book, you are interested in taking the seminar, please contact me via the form to the left.